Hayato Nakata
From Tokyo, Japan. Moved to Malaysia in 2014 and set up Malaysia branch of Crossfinity, Inc. which one of the leading SEO agencies in Japan. By time goes by, he became the company CEO. On April 2017, he started playing a role as Head of SEO and UX in Crossfinity Digital Asia Sdn. Bhd. Being specialised in Affiliate marketing, SEO and CRO, he has engaged many clients across countries for more than 9 years. Now, he is the CEO of ACCESSTRADE Malaysia, the No.1 leading affiliate marketing network in Japan and Southeast Asia.
(30/4/2020) Thursday
Tips to Utilize Social Media Marketing during MCO
Hayato Nakata, CEO, Interspace Digital Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
There's plenty of ways to earn good side income through social media. Join this session to know how does it work.